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Payment links

Payment link is a convenient way to securely accept payments. Enable your customers to make secure payments via payment links and never miss out on a sale.

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3 simple steps to accept payment via payment links


Enter customer contact details

Share the link via email, SMS, messengers or social media channels.


Accept payments

Get notifications in real time when a payment is received.

Frequently asked questions

What is a payment link?

A payment link is a one-time invoice with the order data. It can be sent by email, messenger, or any other convenient method. When a customer clicks the online payment link, they see the invoice to pay. Users can enter their card details and confirm the payment. The whole transaction takes a few clicks.

How do payment links work?

Payment links are created inside the Etellar client interface. Once set up, you’ll be able to send a simple payment link in a couple of clicks, as well as change the body of the text, add recipients, and create reusable email and order templates — all sent via your own domain address.

Payment links are active for the time period specified. If a customer hasn’t paid, you can send the link again. If the link expires, the order is either cancelled or a new secure payment link is generated. Once customers send payment, a notification with the transaction details and the current status is sent.

What kind of businesses use payment links?

Pay by link is a useful tool for a wide range of businesses and can be a great help when bringing an offline shop online, as well as being especially helpful for companies working with non-standardised products or custom orders. Private aviation operators and brokers, as well as hospitality businesses, for example, can benefit from this easy-to-implement technology.

What kind of payment methods work with payment links?

A link payment can be made using any of the payment methods offered by Etellar, making them a fast and efficient way to start accepting credit or debit card payments, as well as alternative or region-specific methods.

How do I send payment links to my customers?

A pay link can be sent through virtually any digital channel, including email, messengers such as Telegram or via a direct message on your preferred social media platform. Once a customer clicks a link for payment, they’re redirected to a unique payment page that can be customised to match your corporate website style.

Are payment links secure?

The personal data that the buyer enters when making a link payment is not visible to anyone but them. This information is not stored on the seller’s website, and all customer data is encrypted using tokenisation. Etellar complies with PCI DSS, storing sensitive information securely in the form of tokens. These tokens are indecipherable to anyone outside the Etellar system.

How do I track the status of payment links?

The Etellar Merchant Dashboard allows you to monitor payment statuses in real time, as well as analyse incoming revenues, and create financial reports. When a customer settles a link payment with their preferred payment method, you’ll receive a notification in the dashboard.

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